Cattle egret at the Flagler Trail bridge. Just short of an hour into the paddle.
Alligator sliding off the bank. Yet another tri colored heron.
I also saw a great blue heron, a great egret, an anhinga, vultures, and another bald eagle. Unable to get photos. The bald eagle was a juvenile, not yet white headed. People on the Econ were a group of 6 canoers and kayakers, 2 more kayakers, paddling fast, what their hurry was I don't know, bikers on the trail along the River, and two anglers. My plan was to paddle for two hours, or to a high point on the south east bank. After being sick since Tuesday, I did not want to do to much. I am recovered, except for a cold. I sound like Phil Hartman as Frankenstein as I clear my throat. Arrrahhhh. The high point came in view, I heard people ahead, looked at my watch, 12:03, time to turn around. I let the people I heard pass me, then I stopped at a campsite on the left bank. Nice site, high and flat, access to the Florida Trail. Looking at a map of the Little Big Econ State Forest, this is a group site. I stretched my legs, had some cookies and grapes, and was on my way.
Third bald eagle of the day.
I had come about 45 minutes downstream with no wildlife until the eagle. Likely due to jet skis on the River. Two of them. First time I've seen those noisy, wake making, smelly things on the Econ. Hopefully the last. At least they slowed down when they passed me.
Flagler Trail bridge, my river height gauge. River level a little lower then my last visit in July, when it reached the "X" of the cross timbers. A lot lower then May, when I had to paddle into the forest, around the bridge, much higher than in March when cross ties several feet below the "X" were exposed. The Econ, ever changing.
Just downstream of the bridge is a large dead tree. I've seen eagles perched on it. Lots of branches. So many, I did not see the eagle at first. Must have been looking at the wrong branch.
I snapped lots of pics, so what the heck, I'll post them all. I did delete a couple.
Two views of a red shouldered hawk.
Last photo. Gator entering the water. The Econlockhatchee dose not get a lot of traffic, so the alligators are a bit skittish.
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