I considered not kayaking today. I've been sick since Tuesday night. Flu, now its a cold. Did not work Weds. Went in for 90 minutes Thur., then came home. Stayed home Friday. The last weekend I did not paddle was October 18, the Irene-Steve wedding weekend. (Although I did find a place in Georgetown that had rentals). So, I had a streak to maintain. Besides, fresh air might do me good. Sneezing and coughing in the yak on the open water, I wouldn't be spreading germs about. My usual Saturday, all day, long drive, adventure was out of the question. I needed a paddling location with an easy launch, easy paddling, lots of wildlife, fairly close to home. Haulover Canal, where I can drive to the water's edge, paddle in protected waters, see lots of manatees and dolphins, 60 miles from home, met the test.
I sweated like a sumo wrestler in a steam bath as I put the yak on the car. Not sure if the fever was breaking, or if it was the humidity. Low clouds, 80% chance of rain. No measurable rain yet, sprinkles on the windshield, as I compose at 6 pm.
Got the yak in the Indian River at 9:45. A "Day Away"tour group was about to go out. The Yak Dave Tour, as usual, set course for Mullet Head Island.
To the original secret manatee location.
I spent another half hour with this pod, again, about six sea elephants. Then off to the alternate channel from the Indian River, into Haulover Canal. Through which two dolphins speed, towards Mosquito Lagoon.
I paused at the not so secret manatee spot, Bairs Cove. Manatees were present. A couple more at the Overlook.
Snowy egret on the Canal bank.
Osprey in Mosquito Lagoon. Water levels are high in the Canal, Lagoon, and River. This dolphin took advantage.
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