At the Trout Creek Park launch, two mats of water hyacinth drifted down River. Made me wonder how things would be in the area near Nature's Classroom, which usually has a lot of vegetation. This would add to it. Two kayakers at the launch told me the River was blocked. I put in, and paddled upstream to see for myself.
A kayaker came down River. "I heard you can't get to far this way" "Yeah, its blocked" I kept going. If it was blocked, I'd turn around and go further down the Hillsborough, past I-75, than I ever have before. Next, a group of six to eight kayakers came down the River. I had a feeling they made it through. "Did you blaze a trail' "Yes, stay to the left" Arriving at Nature's Classroom, water hyacinth stretched across the River. But there was an opening, on my left. But not the one to go through. It doubled back to the channel, which again became blocked. Another opening, a dead end. But, I saw where others had paddled through the weeds, and made it to open water.
I suppose turtles are studied.
Close up of the above gator, biggest of the afternoon,
One canoe, headed up River, and one kayak, down from the "blocked" section to Morris Bridge Park.Morris Bridge being the take out for 95% of people on the River, most in red, Canoe Escape canoes launched from Sergeant Park. Speaking of red, I had not see any rosette spoonbills my last couple Hillsborough visits.
Many more interesting birds. Tri colored herons and snowy egrets, to name two.
The Hillsborough is wonderful for bird, and alligator, watching.
I was past the canal that enters the River from my right, as I paddled up stream. A bit over half way from Morris Bridge to Sergeant Park. Six plus miles from Trout Creek. 2.5 hours upstream, so I figured 2.5 back would get me where I began at 6:30, 17 minutes before sunset. I took a break at the spot where the kayakers had been a few minutes before.
Wildlife is so plentiful on this part of the River I thought of only taking photos when two or more birds, reptiles, or whatever were in the frame.
In addition to the pictures spoonbill, ibis, and tri colored heron, was a wood stork. The stork flew off, I inched closer, quietly, not quiet enough, as the birds burst into flight. The kayakers I saw just before I turned back wer eon the other side of the bend where the birds had been. "Sorry about that" I said for flushing the flock. "That's okay, we've seen plenty". Thhe birds, including the spoonbill, landed a short way down river,on the opposite bank, across from a good sized alligator.
I am often asked if I'm afraid of alligators. I am not, but I respect them. Not sure if this blue heron does. As it non chalantly steps behind a gator across from Morris Bridge.
I passed Morris Bridge at 5:15. I had also passed one of the canoes I had apassed on the way up River. They asked where "the end'" was. I repleied it depends where you are going, but for them, it likley was 5 to 15 minutes away. Once Morris Bridge Park, I saw no one for 4 miles, or until I arrived back at Trout Creek Park.
If the Hillsborogh River were as close to my house as the Wekiva and Rock Springs Run, I might consider it the best place I paddle.
I landed at 6:35 pm.
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