Pictures taken looking east, at 8:40, into the sun. To bad the otters weren't on shore, like these mallards. Better light. Both sets of animals stayed put as I stopped near the water, got the kayak off the roof and placed it at water's edge. Alas, all were gone when I returned after parking.
I paddled away from the dock, toward the canal linking Lakes Maitland and Minnehaha.
Into the canal.
The wood duck was a precursor of many more in Lake Minnehaha. Unfortunately, all rapidly took flight as I approached. These mottled ducks were more sedate.
Lake Minnehaha has a large bird population, perfect for pictures on the empty Lake.
If not for lawn mowers, it would have been perfect.
The covered bridge always makes for a scenic shot. Towards Minnehaha in the top pic, back to Lake Maitland here.
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