It was a rainy end to the week here in Winter Park, beginning Thursday night and continuing through this morning. Thanks to the world wide web, Friday night I searched what spot in Florida would have the best weather. Fort White, a few miles from the Ich, had a 20% chance at 9:00 am. Much better than the 70% close to home, 60% in Ocala , 70% in Tampa, 90% in Jupiter, even 30% in St. Augustine. So I headed north. Light rain for most of the 147 mile drive, but when I arrived at the tube take out/my launch shortly before 9, it stopped.
Three otters swam just off the dock, when I dropped off the yak. They were gone when I returned after parking the car.
Like me, the otters went up River.
Steam rose above the spring fed Ichetucknee.
I briefly stopped at Devil's Eye Spring.
As i was over the Spring, I heard voices. I waited for a group of about 6 kayakers to come down the River. "We thought we were the only ones crazy enough to be out" I prefer "smart enough"
Ten minutes later, I heard a loud, SPLAT ! and saw what caused it. First thought, that's a funny looking otter, then, what is a dog doing in the River, final, and correct thought, it's a beaver ! First I've ever seen.
I saw the beavers just outside Blue Hole Spring, the largest spring feeding the Ich. On the trail to Blue Hole, a sign describing the area states beavers are present. It was good to see them.
team still rose from the surface as I reached Ichetucknee Spring, 10 minutes to 11:00
I landed, pulled the yak up on the dock, chatted with a couple enjoying the view. The only people I saw during the hour I spent at Ichetucknee Springs State Park. I grabbed my snorkel gear, took this obligatory photo of Ichetucknee Spring
I can't drive 147 miles and not snorkel. Besides, the water was a comfortable 72. Perhaps a bit cooler on the surface. According to, the air temperature was 50 at 11 am.
Paused again at Devil's Spring.
And continued, slow with the flow. Late fall colors in North Florida.
I landed about 2, put the yak on the car. My plates were up for renewal last month. I put my money where my mouth, and typing fingers are.
There is not a kayaking plate. Yet.
In support of Florida's Springs, I drove 15 miles to Troy Springs State Park. Maybe I'd see a manatee in this 1st magnitude spring on the Suwanee River.

In support of Florida's Springs, I drove 15 miles to Troy Springs State Park. Maybe I'd see a manatee in this 1st magnitude spring on the Suwanee River.
No manates, but a lot of turtles.
I saw three people, one a Park employee. Strolled a 1/2 nature trail through the hammock. The interpetive signs appear brand new, and larger letters than in other State Parks. A nod to an aging population perhaps, just like when highway signs got larger print a few years ago. So, no problem seeing the answer to Who Rakes The Leaves?--if you've walked any Florida State Park, trail , you've see that sign.
Remanats of a red brick stair way lead to the Spring. The current access is a zig zag concrete walkway. Reminding me of Atwater Beach in my youth. Those of you who grew up with me will get the reference. I wanted to ask about the building, some history, perhaps buy a T-shirt, but it closed at 4:00, It was now 4:15. Besides, if I buy a t-shirt, my first should be from Wekiwa Springs State Park.
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