And fishdead.
I came to Blind Pas
I could hear cars. see the powerlines along the road. But I never saw the pass. Lives up to its name. I came to a dead end. Tried a channel with homes, thinking they would be on the main channel. Another dead end. I'll bring a chart next time.
I was back at the launch site about noon. The time spoonbills Saturday. So, I extended the trip to see if they were there.
They were.
Final paddling photos.
I had the bike in the car, but after paddling almost five hours, kept it there. I did walk the short 1/3 mile Shell Mound Trail. Heard the start of the Packer game as I drove back to the condo. On the Bears network. Had a major disappointment. Palermo's Pizza is a sponsor. Don't think I'll ever buy one again. My Wisconsin readers will understand. Watched the victory with friends and family. Ended the day watching the sunset.
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