Kayaked the Hillsborough River today, Sunday, March 28, 2010. The usual Trout Creek to Sargent Park and return voyage. I launched at 9:15 under overcast skies, afternoon rain forecast. There now is a $2.00 parking fee at Trout Creek Park, and, I assume the other parks on the River. Better then closing it two or more days a week, which Hillsborough County was contemplating. A grass roots response to the proposed closings lead to the fee. The pay station is not at the launch area, but the adjacent parking lot. A sign in the launch lot directs you to it.

Sorry for the blurred barred owl. Complete overcast, and in the woods. Did not see any people until I was almost at Morris Bridge Park. Two kayakers, coming down River. Past Morris Bridge the usual Sunday paddlers coming down from Sargent Park. I paddled non-stop to Sargent, knowing get back before the rain could be an issue. Took 3 hours for the 7.5-8 mile paddle. Used the restroom, filled the thermos, saw a Canoe Escape bus coming in. So, got in the yak and ate lunch as I returned down the Hillsborough River, ahead of the bus load.

The spoonbills were in three different spots on the River, the last one just upstream of Morris Bridge. That photo did not turn out to well, as it got dark and the rain began. These gators are the last photo I'll share.

Saw no more gators past Morris Bridge, and most other wildlife, unlike me stayed out of the rain. It wasn't bad, especially under the tree canopy. Of course it came down harder once I reached the open area from Natures Classroom to Trout Creek. Got thoroughly soaked. No problem, I had dry clothes in the car. And if it had not rained, there may have been a lot more people on the River. Landed about 3:15. The rain, at least I think the rain was responsible made the drive home no fun. I-4 jammed and slow from US 27 all the way to Orlando, 30 miles. I think the rain made everyone leave the beaches, theme parks, and Arnie's golf tournament at the same time
I have been wondering how the birds co-exist with the alligators, wading birds especially. This trip exemplified what I mean. Are the birds not prey for the gators?
I figure you have all the answers!
wondering how the birds co-exist with the alligators....
Very carefully.
Birds often feed and nest near alligators. It's a trade off. Gators may get a bird or two, but they eat more raccoons, otters and snakes. Critters that are more of a threat to eggs and chicks.
I have read some of the best places to see birds are "Alligator Farm" attractions.--Old time Florida tourist traps just up your alley, g365
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