I put the kayak in at Katie's Landing on the Wekiva River today, Sunday, March 14, 2010. First time I launched at this spot since October. Then, I paddled downstream to Blackwater Creek and back, today, upstream to the Buffalo Tram campsite and back.
It was windy, again. Out of the west. So, I paddled along the west shore, that way the wind would not have a chance to come across the River. Katie's Landing is at a wide part of the Wekiva, and it continues wide for a couple miles upstream. I thought of launching at Wilson's Landing, avoiding much of the wide River, but thought that launch, which is on a fairly high bank, would be hard with the current high state of the Wekiva. Katie's on the other hand, is an easy slope for putting in.
As you see, the sky was blue. My skin is red. I had a tube of 8 SPF. Pretty useless. Picked up some 30 on the way home.
There are homes on this part of the Wekiva, for they are set back and widely spaced. My up River paddle almost ended early. A mass of vegetation under the Highway 46 bridge blocked passage. Except near the east bank. Which was under a couple inches of water, so I got through.
The wide part of the River ends at the Wekiva Falls RV campground. There's a sulfur spring here, a short run joins the Wekiva. The homes end, the River is now in State Park territory.
Just as Saturday on Rock Springs Run, I was going to turn around after two hours. As on Saturday, I decided to keep going. I wanted to see if Buffalo Tram was underwater. Time went on, I was not there, but then remembered the last time I was at Buffalo Tram was when I camped there on Halloween. The last day of daylight savings time. Today was the first day of daylight savings. Had to complete the circle. It took three hours to get there. Water has high, but not over the bank. A couple was there, fishing, so I did not stop. He said, and I could see, the area around the fire ring was full of water.
When paddling this part of the Wekiva River, I try to find Twin Mounds. An ancient Native American site. Its on the west bank, off the main channel. I found it, which was a good thing, as other the Buffalo Tram, it was the only high ground on the River from the time I passed Wekiva Falls. I found it, and lost my watch. Which is my bike odometer. Probably fell into the water as I was getting out of the yak on the slippery bank. I was on on of the two middens. Which was surrounded by water, so I could not walk to the interpertive signs posted at the site. But, I could eat a little, raise the water level, if you know what I mean, and continue the trip.
That's the shell mound, above. I almost added my bones to the snail shells and other artifacts. I saw the hole as I was walking, but still must have stepped in, or near it. Fell down, had that , oh crap, did I twist my ankle? thought. I was fine. Several hours later, as I write, the top of my foot is a little sore.
Three great egrets. Or maybe the same one.
Here is the State Highway 46 bridge, with the mass of greenery below.
Forgot to mention, saw two swallowtail kites.
Lost your watch and almost broke your ankle? What an adventure!
These are some of your best photos. The color saturation is amazing.
I should stay in the water, less dangerous.
To paraphrase Muhammad Ali "I don't know what 'color saturation' means, but if its good, I like it!"
Hi I am traveling to Kayak this river next weekend. Have put in at the state park and paddled up to kings landing and back but this time we are camping at Kelly Springs. Is there a place to launch for free in that area instead of paying $10 a boat to launch from Kings? Kim
No. The only free public launch site I am aware of on the Wekiva system is Wilson's Landing. Just south of HWY 46, a long way from King's Landing
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