I got a two hour paddle in this morning, Wednesday, September 29, 2010. Saw the first wood ducks shortly after I launched from Fort Maitland Park.
Did the usual paddle towards the canal to Lake Minnehaha.
Into Lake Minnehaha.
A large flock of birds flew east. To high to ID, a few white colored ones, I'm thinking ibis, mixed in with, cormorants and or anhingas is my guess.
Female anhinga, mallard. Or Florida mottled duck?
Mandatory cover bridge photo.
Green heron
Back to Lake Maitland, more anhingas.
Blue and tri colored heron, great egret, anhinga, wood ducks.
Smarty pants; I believed the forecast for bad weather and didn't paddle yesterday.
It is nice to see all the wood ducks but the otters sure are making themselves scarce on the WP chain lately....
I believed my eyes, and it wasn't raining.
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