I got in the water at 8:50. Launching from the pull over at the Park road bridge. Here is a map to so you can have an idea of where I was. http://www.myakkariver.org/hike_bike.pdf I began paddling south, towards State Highway 72. First pic, alligator. Appropriate for the Myakka River.
Female anhinga. Difference from the male is the white neck.
Under the State Highway 72 bridge and into the Myakka River Wilderness Preserve. I had a permit. Yet another juvi tri colored heron.
Adult black crowned night heron. Hiding its crown.
I had the River almost all to myself. After about and hour, I heard voices behind me. Entering Lower Myakka Lake about 10:05, I paddled up a narrow, usually too shallow to paddle, arm of Lower Lake Myakka at the northeast corner of the Lake. I saw there paddlers come out of the River, never saw them again. They must have turned around. Or maybe they saw these guys and got scared.
Tri colored heron
The same gators as earlier, I now has headed into the open part of Lower Myakka Lake.
Despite the wind, I took the direct route across the Lake, instead of hugging the shore as I did on the way to Deep Hole. Outside the mats of hydrilla. Looks pretty, with the purple flowers, but left unchecked, it can choke the entire Lake. I have never seen it so thick on Lower Myakka Lake.
I departed the Wilderness Preserve at 12:30.
On my way down River, I noticed a pavallion. Just inside the Park. If unoccupied, it looked like a good spot to stop for lunch. Other than a spider, it was unoccupied.
This area is just down river of another picnic area where I have stopped before. Besides the massive shelter, it has restrooms, a playground, and some open air picnic tables and grills. The parking lot is not to far from the River, and a concrete sidewalk leads to the shelter. An aloternate launch site. If its good enough for the State when doing their monthly survey of the River, http://www.myakkariver.org/River%20Reports.html its good enough for me.
I told you there were a lot of tri colored herons and snowy egrets. The heron above got tired of sharing the limelight and took flight.
It was 1:30 when I returned to the Park road bridge. Where I began at 8:50. Told myself I'd keep going another hour.
I p the turned around, the tipsy family was coming up the channel. I told them it was a good spot to see spoonbills, not good if the wanted to get back to the rental launch. As they saw me head up the other channel they asked "Is this the right way" "I don't know" I figured it was, but one never knows. It was correct.
The dam, above, was underwater. Just barely, the yak grounded on the concrete barrier. So, I landed, on the River side of the dam. Had to change batteries to take the photo, the first ran out. A kayaking couple came from the Upper Lake, landed, and portaged. They had come up from the Park road bridge as well. Mentioned a couple dead ends they took. I asked if they saw the spoonbills. They had.
That's gotta be tough working all week after suffering that loss to the lowly Bears. Look on the bright side. Kayaking weather is back in full effect and the Pack shouldn't lose another game for some time.
TFB, I had forgotten about that loss. As a southerner, you may not understand that any day the water is not frozen, is kayaking weather.
I haven't been to Myakka in several years, and this really makes me want to get back down there. Their campgrounds are not appealing, but I've enjoyed staying in their cabins in the past--built by the CCC in the '30s, nicely situated. They were cheap, too, but probably not anymore.
The cabins are $70.00. Still cheap, if you ask me. I agree about the campground, at least the one near the concession. Sites are cheek to jowl. Haven't seen the other campground
Dave..really enjoy checking out your pictures of all of your adventures...your camera seems to do a pretty good job...my digital took a plunge in Mosiquito Lagoon the other day, and did not survive the swim..It's time to spring for a new one...What camera do you use and what do you think of it...Thanks
Gordon, its a Canon Powershot SD1100. With a water tight case. It suits my purposes. I know next to nothing about photography and cameras. Friends who were tired of just reading about my adventures bought me an SD400. With a warranty, which came in handy as that broke, don't recall how, and it was replaced by an SD450. I dropped that one, post-warranty and bought a SD600. That one's view screen conked out. Still takes pics, but I did not see what I was shooting. Replaced that with the current SD1100. A few months ago, the lens stuck. I had bought a two year warranty, and it was repaired. An web search after that problem shows the lens getting stuck is a common problem.
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