I was thinking of doing it. But, I forgot this.
"No Watercraft Permitted Beyond This Point" The water was flowing fast over the orange buoys in the background. I still thought I could do the 3 lake, 2 creek, canal circumnavigation. To end the suspense, I did not. It would have made a long day to go all the way to the other end of the canal and find it blocked. As it was, I was out for 5 hours. Paddling out from the launch in the canal to Tiger Cove, briefly into Lake Kissimmee, to Tiger Creek, into Tiger Lake, across the northern half of the Lake to Rosalie Creek, up the Creek for a while, then back. The bird life was good in the boat basin near the launch.
Wood storks, blue heron, red shouldered hawk.
I launched about 10 am, Sunday, January 3, 2010, for my first Kissimmee State Park visit in 2 and a half years. One reason I have not been back is the big lake, Kissimmee, is popular with airboaters. It is cold in Florida this weekend, so I thought that would keep people off the water. It did. I saw one power boat launch, one return as I was launching- a duck hunter, palm fronds for camouflage all around the hull, no airboats. None seen, I did hear them. As I said Lake Kissimmee is big, 35,000 acres. Out the canal.
Back home, I found the email I sent to family and friends after my May, '07 paddle. It mentions the canal barrier, the osprey platform, and has a cow picture. If I had re-read it before I left today, I would have saved some time. On the other hand, had I saved time, I might not have seen as many of the birds of Tiger Creek.
I set course along the north shore of the Lake, looking for Rosalie Creek. Tiger Creek enters Tiger Lake on the northeast side, Tiger Lake is on the northwest. I found Rosalie Creek, it is marked by Slow No Wake sign. Rosalie is narrower than Tiger Creek. More trees, mostly red maple as in the first photo. Most prevalent wildlife was vultures. I heard something in the brush, not sure if otter, alligator, or pig.
I pulled the yak up here to have lunch. This is the Park side, the other bank is posted No Trespassing.
Tiger Lake has homes, but I saw no one on the Lake. Or, in either of the creeks. Back into Tiger Creek, I saw one, and heard several pigs. No porky pics.
It was a good day for hawks. And glossy ibis
Two bald eagle flew overhead, one as I was on Lake Kissimmee, the other, low over the canal.
Back in the launch area.
I call this shot "Cradle to Grave"
An observation tower was closed. "Structural issues"
Hi Dave! Nice paddling pics! Hopefully, it is warmer in Florida then it is currently in North Carolina where I paddle! ;-) Looks like you have been "yaking" for a number of years? Can you give some details on your kayak? Model? Length? etc. Looking forward to more of your kayak adventures!
Hey Mike. 38 degrees at 8:48 pm. My current kayak, since March, 09,is a Wilderness Tsunami 140. 14 footer.
Before that, a 13 foot Sun Velocity, now the Riot Voyager. Both purchased used
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