A new location for Dave's Yak Tales. I had paddled the Loxahatchee once before. June 30, 2005. I went that day for the same reason I went today, Saturday, January 30, 2009. Avoid rain. I was not successful five years ago, I was today.
I woke early, made the 160 mile drive, and had to wait for the gate to open at 8 am
Jonathan Dickinson State Park is big, 11500 acres, covering parts of
two counties, Martin and Palm Beach, west of U.S. 1.
It's a four mile drive from the gate to the boat
launch. A herd of pigs foraged on the side of the road as I drove in. There are miles of hiking, off road biking and
equestrian trails. 135 campsites. Rental cabins.
The launch is concrete, one boat width.
Grassy area adjacent. A dock, with three levels if you choose to get in that way. Paved lot, spaces for cars and trailers. Two picnic tables under a shelter,
outhouse. No running water. (Other than the River)
The Loxahatchee River is one of two Federally designated "Wild and Scenic"
rivers in Florida. The other, the Wekiva River, including Rock
Springs Run and Blackwater Creek.
If you are wondering about the Myakka River, it has a State issued "Wild and Scenic" status. The Wekiva has both Federal and State status.
From the launch, it's eight miles to the Atlantic, via the Jupiter Inlet. I went the other way, into the "Wild and Scenic" portion.
Lots of osprey and great blue herons.
The Lox has two dams. What purpose they serve, or why they are on the River, I don't know. Back in 2005, the river was so high, I paddled over the first one. I don't know if I reached the second, I may have not even noticed it. Both were noticeable this trip. I portaged the first, it as a ramp going up one side and down the other.
I had forgot there was a second dam. I was reminded by paddlers coming downriver who asked, "How far to the second dam?". I saw about a dozen canoes and kayaks, coming down river from River Bend Park in Palm Beach County.
I arrived at the second dam at 11:45. A fisherman offered me a hand. I declined deciding the dam made a good point to turn back after paddling since 8:20. I asked how far it was to the launch site, 15-20 minutes. The outfitter, Canoe Outfitters of Florida, says it is and eight mile paddle from River Bend to Jonathan Dickinson. As I began my trip down river of where the renters take out, I had gone 7.5 miles, easy.
The guy in the first photo has the right technique. Lean back so the front end stays up. Easy for me to say. Maybe some day, I'll do it. A lot of people went over. At least 10. All part of the same group. Peer pressure. No one tipped, but several took on a lot of water. Six people, in thre canoes watched with me. They were doing a to the second dam and back excursion. I waited for the krazy kayakers to get down river, then resumed my trip.
Next time you drive to or from West Palm on either I-95 or the Turnpike, wave as you cross the Loxahatchee River.
The noise from the two highways can be heard 5-10 minutes on either side of the side by side bridges.
Other than a ranger, sitting in a truck, waiting, I assume for the 3 pm boat tour to arrive, I had the site to myself.
The Lox is an interesting paddle as it goes from hardwoods to mangroves.
My 8:20 launch had coincided with high tide, low tide at Jupiter inlet was a 2:03. Low conditions at 3:05 when I saw the largest alligator of the day.
A few, as in less then ten, raindrops fell on the creek, but ended almost immediatley. I had gone to the Lox to avoid rain and my plan worked. It was a beautiful cloudy, 80 degree day. I paddled out of the Park waters, briefly, before landing at 5:20, 9 hours after I began.
Thanks a lot for posting this. I am writing about the Jupiter area for my blog, but I have never been there. Your pics of the Loxahatchee give me a good feel for the area. I'm particularly interested in Trapper Nelson. Colorful character, that guy.
As I wrote, I bet Mr. Nelson inspired some well known Florida writers.
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