Friday I saw 10 people, today 6. Half of whom, two campers and the Ranger, I saw Friday. Another familiar face was the alligator that greeted and saw me off Friday. It was there when I arrived at 8:00 am , when I stopped after going down and up stream, and again when I ended the day at 1:00 pm.
Since this is the second post in 3 days on Blackwater, I'll just post pictures without comment.
I have to comment about alligators. On the way downstream, one bigger than this leaped, ok ran fast, into the Creek with a splash. "Holy shit !" (sorry Mom). Reason (it is running away from me) goes out the window when a large toothy reptile enters the water in a hurry. In contrast, for a moment I thought the one pictured was dead. It did not budge as I snapped pictures, finally sliding all the way into the Creek.
I paid a short visit to Rock Springs Run State Reserve after I left the Seminole State Forest. The Reserve is about a 1/2 mile to a mile west, on the other side of Highway 46. Wildlife does not need to cross the Highway, fences funnel critters to a tunnel under the road. The Reserve is very basic. A paved road maybe 3/4 of a mile long, with several grass parking lots at trail heads.
I drove to the end, took a short hike, hoping to see a deer, or even bear. No deer this weekend.
The Reserve's web page, at the very top states "No water access" Apparently people come here thinking it is Kelly Park, the popular Orange County tubing site. I assume the folks I saw parked on the road, side by side, talking were so misinformed. It was confirmed when I saw the inner tube in the back seat as they sped past me. (of course, they could have thought, that idiot has a kayak on his car)
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