As I have so many Wekiva/Rock Springs Run tales already, this one will be a bit different. I 'll post pictures (the good ones) in the order they were taken. A true log. The only photo out of chronological odrer is the first, taken at noon.
Green heron, Wekiva River, 7:03 am, I used the flash immeditely after this, that pic is worse.
Great egret, Rock Springs Run 7:29. Most of my early pictures were blurry. Including one of a black crowned night heron, a bird I only see occasionaly in this area.
Osprey, 8:30. I did not go an hour without seeing any wildlife, the three shots I took are poor. Also, paddling upstream I take less photos than down, concentrating on forward movment. The osprey was over a very narrow section of the Run. They tend to prefer more open areas, as that's where the fish are. But as several small bass darted in front me, I saw what the fishhawk was viewing.
Baby alligator, 9:21. Its sibling was on an adjacent log. 30 minutes prior to this, I missed three otters. They popped up, saw me, swam to the bank and into the woods.
Ibis, 9:29.
Final up Run view, before coming about, 9:33.
Five mile sign. 10:20. The Kings Landing takeout at Wekiva Marina is about the same distance downstream from the confluence as the State Park is up.
Ibis, 10:34.
Blue, yes blue, heron. 10:43. It will become blue with age. (Don't we all.)
Saw, and heard, another otter at this point. As I watched the young heron, and a great blue, an otter began swimming quickly across the Run, making a loud "cheeep, cheeep" sound as it headed for cover. I'm not sure if it was a warning or a distress call. First time I've heard that.
Vulture at Big Buck Camp site, 10:49. Big Buck, on the right as you go down Run, is one of three primitive campsites on Rock Springs Run.
Turtle. 10:56.
Alligator, 11:04.
Great egret, 11:06.
Indian Mound Camp site, 11:07. Run left. It was unoccupied so I stopped for lunch.
Scrub landscape, 11:21.
Back in the yak, 11:32.
Otter Camp site. Run right, 11:40.
Alligator, 11:45.
Great egret, 12:25 pm.
Limpkin, 12:32.
Sandbar, 12:38. This is a popular weekend hang out, as it is about as far as the average inexperienced can make it upstream. That's a shoe. I had seen five boats up to this point. Two kayakers coming downstream, I let them pass, waiting a couple minutes after their voices faded before i continued, three teens in, or rather pulling a Wekiva Marina rental canoe upstream, finally, a canoe and kayak going upstream- and about to turn back. Several canoes were downstream of the sandbar, and more in the Wekiva.
Entering the Wekiva River from Rock Springs Run, 12:49.
Highwire act, 12:54.
Blue heron. Getting blue, 1:01.
Entering the lagoon/pond area, 1:06. I picked up the paddle after taking the above turtle pic.
Final picture before landing, 1:06 pm.
Chilin, Wekiwa Spring, 1:52 pm.
1 comment:
You sure don't scare any birds away. Must be your creekside manner.
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