Green herons
Blue heron
Tri colored heron
More alligators
I'm not sure what this bird is
I do know this is a great egret
I also saw blue herons, ibis, osprey and red shouldered hawks. No other paddlers. 10 to 15 motor boats, those that were moving (several were fishing) slowed to pass me.
Kayaking the Wekiva from Katies the paddler avoids the crowds at Wekiwa Springs State Park, the put in is on water's edge, not a down a quarter mile hill, and you may see manatees.
I did today. One, perhaps two. I had lingered in the Manatee Zone neatr the St Johns, where I've seen manatees before. Didn't see any. Paddling upstream, out of the Manatee Zone, the current making patterns in the water. Wait a minute, that looks like a manatee swirl- double circles, wake of body and tail. Sure enough, a manatee was on my left, below the surface. I tried to follow it, lost it, but soon after reaching the confluence of an alternate channel, saw more swirls, and a manatee poked its head out of the water. The head looked small, the earlier sea cow was about seven feet, so I think I saw two different ones.
Something is going on at Katies. This barrier
Is at the put in, and along the gravel road as well as wending through the areas on either side of the road. I'm thinking to keep cars from going to close to the water, and driving in the woods, or maybe exotic plant removal. I'll try to find out. If any readers know, post a comment.
The black barricade was no deterrent to this flock of turkeys.
I found a note about Katie's closing for renovation on July 21at :
Checking to see if I can find out what the changes are.
That explains the barriers I saw.
I did a quick search- found nothing other than what you found.
I spoke to the rangers ar Wekiwa Springs todaym July 28, 2008. Katies will be closed until March.
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